If you are upgrading from older version of Eabi_Synchronizer (<= 0.1.16) then choose on of the following options depending on your past behaviour with Eabi_Synchronizer:

  1. You have not created Eabi_EE attribute set and have not imported any products
    • Copy files from new Eabi_Synchronizer package to Magento root directory, overwrite any old Eabi_Synchronizer files if they exist.
    • Delete folder ~/app/code/local/Eabi/Synchronizer
    • Refresh Magento cache
  1. You have created Eabi_EE attribute set and maybe even have imported a product or remote category.
    • Copy files from new Eabi_Synchronizer package to Magento root directory, overwrite any old Eabi_Synchronizer files if they exist.
    • Keep file ~/app/code/local/Eabi/Synchronizer/Helper/Attribute.php
    • Delete all remaining files from the folder ~/app/code/local/Eabi/Synchronizer
    • Refresh Magento cache

What was changed in Eabi_Synchronizer module during the upgrade from 0.1.16 to 0.1.17?

  • Codepool was moved from local to community
  • Product attribute eabi_dateExpected was renamed to eabi_date_expected
  • Product attribute eabi_disableRemoteUpdate was renamed to eabi_disable_remote_update
  • Product attribute eabi_supplierCode was renamed to eabi_supplier_code
  • Product attribute eabi_vendorId was renamed to eabi_vendor_id
  • Product attribute eabi_marginType was renamed to eabi_margin_type
  • Category attribute remoteId was renamed to remote_id

If you manage to rename all changed attributes from database + all external modules/scripts using those attributes, then you can follow guide #1 for the upgrade. Otherwise follow guide #2 for the upgrade.

If you need help with the upgrade, then it costs 1 hour of module related paid work per Magento installation.

If you need help with renaming the attributes in database, then it costs 2 hours of module related paid work per Magento installation. If you have external scripts using those attributes, then working with the scripts will cost according to the agreement.